Posted on Aug 16, 2019
Sam is an 18 years Year-13 student at Michael Park School. When he decided on his individual graduation project, he wants something different! 
He wants some fun, memorable, reflect on his life, and benefit to the community. He approaches Rotary Auckland South, and we came out a spark of a Charity Concern of his Lifetime Journey!  大奧蘭扶輪社將分配演唱會所捐曾款項 用於地區字典和根除小兒麻痺的計畫 (End of Polio)

RC Auckland South supported the local school Dictionary project as a special emphasis on Literacy and it was enthusiastically.

Currently, district 9920 also adopted the project to support students in low deciles schools to date.

The project fits well with Rotary International’s drive for ‘literacy development’ to be a major goal worldwide.

大奧蘭扶輪社將分配演唱會所捐曾款項 用於地區字典和根除小兒麻痺的計畫 (End of Polio)